To provide hope and provision of basic needs to the Orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya.
To create a society where everyone has access to basic needs.
Helping hand for community development was established in 2015, since then the organization has been expanding continuously in terms of community development services.
s. It has worked for the promotion of sustainable, equitable and participatory development, social welfare through: program for social work, health service and other human services through social research and dissemination of socially relevant knowledge, social intervention through training and field action, Contribution to social and welfare policy and program at national and local levels.
Over the years the organization among other ( NGO’s societies) thrust made a significant contribution to planning, action strategies and human resource development in several areas ranging from sustainable rural and urban development to education,health,Agriculture and human rights, in all cases the focus has been on the disadvantaged and marginalized section of societies such as women, children and tribal.
Helping hand for community development (HHCD) process at internal reform to strengthen its planning, monitoring and evaluation functions and its human resources, finance and administrative management has begun to yield results. Progress was made in standardizing predictable year planning process, as well as in starting to build the capacity of members and providing guidance on results, based planning and monitoring as well generating of lessons learned and best practice, will require best practice
Helping hand for community development believes that the decision making is a key part of an (administration).Administrative bodies activities, it permeates though all managerial function such as planning ,organization, direction and control. Decision making involves thinking and deciding before doing and its party of our function. In keep the view of our organization’s objectives, policies, program and strategies are our organization decision making process
The governing council of the organization is responsible for the conduct of the organization’s general operations, performing duties under power delegated by the council. As provided in the article of the constitution .the governing council meet regularly at headquarters in Nairobi, Council serve Audit and budget for programmed, development effectiveness, governance and administrative matters. The administration and financial control of Helping Hand (HHCD) is vested in the governing council which comprises of the CEO, Chairman, Vice-chair, Treasure, Secretary General, and Regional Director.
Our community development activities, keys areas are Education, Health and family welfare, sustainable livelihood, social causes
Our community development activities, keys areas are Education, Health and family welfare, sustainable livelihood, social causes
HHCD org is a Non profit Organization based in Kenya registered under the NGO Coordination Board of Kenya under Reg.No. OP.218/051/19-096/11422
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